Having a headache is never fun. Some headaches can be so severe they are debilitating and the sufferer is unable to function during their daily life. Sometimes it can take hours for the pain to stop and other times it can take days. Many people assume a severe headache is a migraine but that is not the case.

In order to treat and manage a persons pain, they first must determine if they are experiencing a headache or migraine. Knowing the difference between the two is necessary. People who experience headaches do not always have migraines, but those who suffer from migraines also have other headaches. Migraines are typically accompanied by other symptoms such as, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and sensitivity to light and noise. Severe migraines can heighten sensitivity to the point where the victim endures extreme pain and discomfort.

The International Headache Society assigns headaches into two broad categories:

Primary or Secondary Headaches

Primary headaches are delineated by symptoms:

  • Migraines
  • Tension Headaches
  • Cluster Headaches

Secondary headaches result from other causes:

  • Head injury
  • Stroke
  • Infection
  • Drug or alcohol misuse or abuse
  • Other physical problems from sources like sinuses, teeth, nose, neck, back and eyes

Classifying Your Pain

Knowing how to describe the pain you are experiencing will help determine the best course of treatment for you. Does it feel like your head is exploding or imploding? Is there pressure behind the eyes? People who describe their pain as exploding perceive a buildup of pressure feeling as if the “skull was about to split open.” People with an imploding headache describe their pain as a clamping or stabbing sensation often accompanied with eye pain and pressure.

Really think about the symptoms you are experiencing to relay to the doctor. If you are experiencing a headache or migraine make an appointment with Dr. Stickler so he can find the correct treatment plan for you!

Call us today, 843-410-0924 !