Springtime can be a prime time for sports injury, especially concussions. Even though traumatic brain injury awareness month is over, we are headed into the spring and summer months where outdoor activities and traveling is at its peak! We want to remind you to be safe during outdoor activities, sports, and travel this season. Check out these 5 easy ways to avoid a concussion and enjoy these warm months! PLUS our new infographic link that shows more information is below!


5 Ways to Avoid a Concussion During the Spring/Summer Months

1.     Always wear your seat belt while driving or riding in a motor vehicle

2.     Never Drive under the influence of alcohol

3.     Wear a helmet that is fitted and maintained properly while participating in a contact sport, skating, biking, baseball/softball, riding horses etc.

4.     Ensure during athletic games and practices, all equipment is correct protection, follow safety rules and practice good sportsmanship

5.     Do not return to play if you suspect a concussion or head injury, see your doctor immediately!


CHECK OUT our InfographicSpring_Concussions