Headaches. Fatigue. Difficulty sleeping. Many Americans face these health challenges every day. So how can someone know if their health challenges are status quo – or something more serious?

The Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA) has named March “Brain Injury Awareness Month” to help Americans answer the question of “How can I know if I have experienced a brain injury?

A brain injury can have a wide range of physical and psychological effects. It can result from a violent blow or simple jolt to the head or body. Signs may show up immediately or take months.

10 Signs of a Mild Brain Injury

  1. Loss of consciousness for a few seconds or minutes or a state of being dazed and disoriented
  2. Headache
  3. Chronic neck pain
  4. Slowness in thinking or responding
  5. Sensitivity to light and sound
  6. Changes in mood (feeling sad or angry for no reason)
  7. Nausea or vomiting
  8. Fatigue or drowsiness
  9. Difficulty sleeping
  10. Ringing in the ears

Head trauma should always be taken seriously and when it comes to a brain injury, be diligent about monitoring and allowing enough time for recovery. If you experience any of the signs listed above after head trauma, seek medical care from a neurologist or health care provider.


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