What Are The Signs & Symptoms Of Alzheimer’s Disease?

Memory Loss

Signs of memory loss related to Alzheimer’s disease may include:

  • Asking the same questions over and over again, repeating information, or completely forgetting previous conversations
  • Forgetting important dates, appointments, and life events and not remembering that they have been forgotten later on
  • Regularly forgetting where items have been placed or putting items in places that do not make any sense, such as putting the TV remote in the oven or car keys in the medicine cabinet

Increased Confusion

People with the disease may not be able to correctly interpret what is happening around them or what is going on in their immediate surroundings. For example, people with Alzheimer’s may understand that they are in a store, but they may not recognize that it is a drugstore or know how they got there. Over time, they may get lost in locations that were once familiar to them, like the local shopping mall.

Trouble Concentrating

A person with Alzheimer’s disease may have difficulty thinking or concentrating on tasks that involve numbers, such as balancing a checkbook. They may also have trouble keeping track of regular financial activities, such as managing household or business finances. Other difficulties can include being unable to multitask or engage in activities that involve multiple steps, like planning for weekly food shopping or preparing meals that have been made many times before.

Trouble With Words

People with Alzheimer’s disease may have difficulty finding the right words during work, social conversations, or any activities that involve writing. They also may have trouble identifying objects, places, and people.

Support Organizations That Can Help

Sometimes it can help to connect with others who may also be facing the same issues and challenges as you. Learn more about support organizations in your area that can help you build a support network and gather information.